What is a CMMS without hosting?
Hosting is the provision of the IT infrastructure for the HolisTech™ CMMS which makes sure your users can access and use the system without any issues – So, hosting is really important!
Unlike many systems out there, you can choose to host the HolisTech™ CMMS internally if that suits you best but, of course, that means you’ve got to make sure all of the right IT infrastructure is in place. So, not only do you need all the right server hardware and third party software but you need to be sure your IT team can support the environment by completing all of the maintenance, taking the required backups and applying all of the patches.
To address all of this, we here at SMP Ltd. can help and can provide a secure data-centre based Hosted Service. With this your users just need a compatible browser on their PCs (you don’t need supporting hardware or third party software) and your IT function can rest easy as they’ll have minimal involvement in the whole process! Have a look at our HolisTech™ CMMS Hosting page for more information!